
Bloom Wild

Bloom Wild serves the Maryland and DC region with native plant consultations, designs, installations, & gardening. All plants used in installations or public sales are responsibly sourced and living in peat-free soil medium.

Bloom Wild’s mission is to promote ecological biodiversity, reduce the impact of climate change, and strive for a more just world by disrupting the current nursery and landscaping industries.

Bloom Wild works to increase  demand for, and access to, locally native plants, support BIPOC communities, and ensure fair labor practices.

Sliding scale fees are available to persons with low income/wealth and those living in under-served communities.

Janet Hostetler (she/her) is a certified Maryland Master Gardener and recovering lawyer who is passionate about locally native plants. She  grows and studies over 250 locally native plant species at her test garden, Phlox Hill!

All photographs on this website are hers unless otherwise indicated and may be used with attribution.